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Les éléments perturbateurs qui privent les futures mamans d'un sommeil réparateur !

The disruptive elements that deprive future mothers of restful sleep!

The constant, sometimes overwhelming fatigue a woman feels when she becomes pregnant is the first thing she notices. Suddenly you lack the energy to do the things you normally would. You would rather stay home and sleep than go out after work. Fatigue and drowsiness are common during the first 12 weeks. Additionally, due to hormonal changes, you also experience nausea and upset. And for most women, this doesn't get better as their bellies grow. But what keeps pregnant women up at night?

Fears related to pregnancy

Finding out you are pregnant is exciting for most women, but it is inevitable to have concerns during the nine months of gestation. And it's hard not to be afraid if you're constantly on the internet, scrolling through and searching for tons of information explaining how you're currently feeling. This is also true for novice mothers. Birth defects, breastfeeding for the first time, and difficulties during childbirth can keep moms up all night! But the truth is, if you're healthy, there's no reason to be afraid, and most of these fears are simply irrational. Make sure you optimize your pregnancy with proper nutrition, exercise, and prenatal care so you don't have to worry again!

Sleep Disordered Breathing or SDB

Sleep disruptions are common among pregnant women as their bodies change. However, if you feel particularly tired during the day, you could suffer from sleep-disordered breathing. SDB ranges in severity from simple snoring to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), where the airway collapses during sleep, temporarily blocking airflow and causing moments of shortness of breath. These brief pauses are called apneas and can last from 10 seconds to a minute or more.

Pregnant women with mild sleep apnea have 5 to 14 breathing pauses per hour, while those with severe apnea have more than 30. Treatment for SDB usually begins with a lifestyle change. If you are obese or gained more weight than recommended during pregnancy, you are at high risk of obstructive sleep apnea. Excess tissue in your neck can obstruct your airway and make it difficult to breathe at night. Future mothers with gestational diabetes are also more exposed to SDB. Make sure you get enough exercise as recommended by your doctor, and also ask them about the best weight management plan.

Restless Legs Syndrome or RLS

Restless legs syndrome (RLS), characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move the legs while resting, is commonly associated with older adults. However, it is also one of the most common causes of insomnia during pregnancy. RLS usually occurs in the evening, just before going to bed. Although unpleasant, there is hope for you! RLS will not last forever and will improve after giving birth. For most women, relief occurs within the first week after giving birth. This condition is linked to anemia, so if you experience RLS, tell your doctor about your discomfort so they can advise you on taking prenatal supplements such as folic acid and iron.

Stomach pains

Heartburn, also known as indigestion or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), is a burning sensation that occurs when stomach contents flow back into the esophagus. Heartburn during pregnancy is common. Pregnancy hormones can relax the valve at the entrance to the stomach, preventing it from closing properly. This allows acidic contents from the stomach to back up into the esophagus, causing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also called acid reflux. This can get worse later in pregnancy as the uterus grows and presses against the stomach. Over-the-counter acid relief can help, but check with your doctor first because antacids contain a lot of sodium. Sleeping on your left side and elevating your head can also help with GERD. This is where a maternity pillow can help you sleep comfortably.

Leg Cramps

It is also a common occurrence among pregnant women, who are often awakened at night by painful leg cramps. Unfortunately, science still can't explain what causes these cramps during pregnancy. According to the theory, leg cramps occur due to changes in blood circulation and increased stress on the muscles. Leg cramps usually go away within a few minutes, but most women have trouble getting back to sleep. Exercise is essential for preventing leg cramps. Do not sit or stand in a prolonged position.

Did you know that 75% of pregnant women have trouble sleeping? Sleep is essential, and pregnant women are advised to take naps during the day to supplement their nighttime sleep. We hope we have been able to shed some light on why women have difficulty sleeping at night. Understanding these sleep problems can help you overcome them!

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Les crampes sont-elles normales pendant la grossesse ?

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